Google’s Android originally Oracle-made according to Oracle

Who really owns the Android now that Oracle is claiming that Google stole some intellectual property rights from them?

Who really owns the Android now that Oracle is claiming that Google stole some intellectual property rights from them?
Even can't you say it's a cold war or nor hot about Google vs oracle. Google the tech giant recently accused for using a Java code to create Android. So Oracle put charges on Google and bring them to the court.
Although it is known to all that open source software is free to use. But according to IT analyst, it's not so as we think.
So when Google use oracles Java scripts for Android, it bring them both to the court and Oracle claimed that, they are the owner of Android and Google just access illegally (copy) this. When Google were on a way to create Android, they want to get the permission for using Java code from Oracle. But they failed to gain this. So thus the problem now come to frontier.
Actually this case has been remaining it's continuity but if Google proved guilty, they have to remove the java code from android and that will be create a huge or massive change on Android and it's millions of applications.
Then what about the future of today's dominator Android?
I’m not sure how it did happen since the Android operating system was originally designed by a different company and not by Google in the first place.
Here’s a brief history about the creation of the Android platform. It’s obvious, at present, Android is the popular operating system being used by most Smartphones.
It is generally a Linux-based platform primarily created for the touchscreen handheld devices such as Smartphones and tablet computers. The Android operating system was an original creation developed by Android, Inc.
Android, Inc. was backed up financially by Google itself for the development of the project until it was finally bought in 2005 by Google also. The announcement of the Android operating system was made in 2007 this is together with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance.
This happened 2 years after Google’s acquisition over Android, Inc. The Open Handset Alliance is a group of telecommunications, software, and hardware companies devoted on improving the open standards for mobile devices. Android is an open source and Google released the code under the Apache License.
It was in October of 2008 when the first Android-run Smartphone was sold.
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