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Posted on - 12/07/2011
I tried to export an Excel file to Quickbooks when I got this error below.
QuickBooks Export Error
ErrorCode: 3070
Severity: Error
Description: The string “JLABQ1238-01” in the field “ RefNumber” is too long.
I didn’t know how to fix the problem.
It’s a very long file in Excel and it would be tedious for me to revise each field. Is there a workaround for this?
Please help me fix the issue.
Thanks in advance.
Got an error code 3070 when exporting file to QuickBooks
You problem is due to using of long character which is not allowed for the field. The error itself describes already what your problem is. QuickBooks (Premier Edition 2005) on allowed only maximum of 11 characters. If exceed to that length you will encounter this error. So that means you should minimize the character that you want to user. Instead of JLABQ1000 you can try to use JLABQ001 or JLABQ01. You can try also other solution like use you QuickBooks auto numbering so you will not get a problem regarding to this one. If you want to use this solution just search the internet.