Grasp The Information About Windows Account Lockout Tools
Windows account lockout tools are a combination of the command line and graphical tool that displays the lockout information about a particular user account. Below are some of the tools:
a. AcctInfo.dll: It helps in troubleshooting lockout accounts and can also change the user’s password in a site.
b. ALockout.dll: It helps in determining the wrong credentials.
c. LockoutStatus.exe: It helps in the collection of relevant logs and also establishes the domain controllers that are taking part in a lockout of a user account.
d. NLparse.exe: It helps in extracting and displaying the desired entries from the Netlogon log files.
e. ALoInfo.exe: Exhibits the names and also the lifetime of passwords for all user accounts.
f. EnableKerbLog.vbs: It can be used as a start-up script by authorizing Kerberos protocol, which helps in logging on to all its clients.
g. EventCombMT.exe: Collection of events from event logs of different systems in a location.