Hello friends
I am dealing with a winform radgrid view with grouped columns header. The text is long so I have to wrap it. See the following details:
radGridView1.AutoSizeRows = true;
radGridView1.Columns["column1"].WrapText = true;
radGridView1.Columns["column1"].Multiline = true;
I am facing a problem with the header of grouped columns. The grouped columns without header work very well. Please see the screenshot below:
Has anyone got a solution to this query? If yes please let me know. I'll be obliged.
Grouped columns with wrapped text
The solution to this wrap text problem can be solved by changing the following code snippet for rad grid view of Winform:
Subscribe to the ViewCellFormating event of RadGridView and set the wrap text property to “True”.
this.radGridView1.ViewCellFormatting += new Telerik.WinControls.UI.CellFormattingEventHandler(radGridView1_ViewCellFormatting);
void radGridView1_ViewCellFormatting(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.CellFormattingEventArgs e)
if (e.CellElement is GridHeaderCellElement)
e.CellElement.TextWrap = true;
This problem is solved by many users by changing the wrap text property to true. The second last line command is to wrap text for header cells.