GTX 460 SE graphic driver

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I have an AMD PHENOM X6 1090T with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 currently installed. I was thinking of installing 98, XP and 7 in that order, hopefully setting up dual boot by default, so if i install Windows 98 SE, will there be any drivers for my GTX 460 SE graphics card, or will i have resolution issues.

Can anybody help me out?




Answered By 0 points N/A #84099

GTX 460 SE graphic driver


Hi, actually there were no supported drivers specifically for the chipset, very sorry for that, one way or another nothing appears in the display.

If you search to the internet for the specific driver in your system, vendors is not so good about that, often you could see updates giving corrupted files so it is recommended to check out the vendors site and get the drivers, that’s it.

But the best option for that is to install your windows 98 in a virtual machine. But for your information the last Ge force card supported was the 7 series and 8 being just semi-supported.

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