Guide how to install hardware and software

Hi Everyone,
Please give me a guide how to install hardware and software. I'm just new in this field and i still want to learn more.

Hi Everyone,
Please give me a guide how to install hardware and software. I'm just new in this field and i still want to learn more.
I would like to answer your question first by appreciating the fact that this is something you have an interest in doing so. Having a passion for something surpasses all training you can ever acquire. Second, Hardware and Software are two different things all together but both have to go hand in hand.
No one will design software if there’s no hardware to run on. No one will design hardware if there is no software or programs to run either. Start with basic hardware components, (RAM, Hard disks, CD/DVD ROMs, Motherboard components – Processors, PCI and AGP Slots, Ports – USBs, Ethernet, Keyboard & Mice ports etc).
When you get a clear understanding of all these then its easier for you to proceed to the stage of configuring hard disks and start installing operating software and other applications. This would be a good start for you.