Hi Experts,
I am having windows xp on my desktop.I have enabled remote desktop in my pc and there are nearly 20 pc's in my office.My colleage is logging to my pc frequently.Now I need to disable this feature.Does anyone know dos how to kill remote connection?Adive me regrading this.Thanks.
Lorin Ronnie
Guide me on dos how to kill remote connection?
Here are the following steps to shut down the remote desktop connection.
open command prompt and execute the following commands Replace the commands with your own parameters.
1. Get enough privilege to kill RDP connection on the server.
net use \servername_or_IP /USER: username “password“
2. List the connections to a particular server to get session ID.
query session /server: servername
3. Reset the session you don’t need using ID of the session.
reset session ID / server: servername_or_IP
Thank you.