Asked By
toby white
0 points
Posted on - 11/15/2011
Hello to everyone! I have a private business and I need all kinds of data that will be accessed easily everywhere for permits.
I thought a data server will be directly needed for the desk; there are many video seminars for this but unfortunately I don’t know about this, and I need help and advices.
I only use 3 to 4 external hard drives wherein you can manage 10 terabytes of hard drives and it requires performance.
Is this safe and are there any hardware failures to this?
For the best solution, I will wait any time for this kind of business and thank you.
Guidelines and advices about Data Server
Hello Toby White,
I have understood about your requirements. Now I am giving some introductory points about Data Server.
Data server is a client -server model which services to access Database from one computer to another computer.
It allows to index,query,report data on Database kept on server as usual.
With appropriate hardware the Data Servers can handle many tasks.
Users may use different applications to access the information,but the server will operate the main data storage.
Data Servers depend on both server hardware used for networking and Server Operating system.
Therefore it is recommended that your network hard drives should be checked.Your router and modem should be updated .
Thank You
Shifflet Laurel
Guidelines and advices about Data Server
These are some Guidelines and Tips about Data Server:
As a common and good practice, tables in your server should have a clustered index. Cluster index should be on a column that increases.
Indexes should be measured on columns that are often used in where, ORDER, BY, GROUP BY, TOP and DISTRICT class.
Do not use auto to add in adding indexes on a table because it is the right thing to do. Only add if you are sure that they will be the queries run against the table.
Create the indexes with a FILLFACTOR and a PAD_INDEX of 100 to be sure that there will be no wasted space.
Do not add indexes too much in your OLTP tables to minimize the overhead that occurs with indexes during data manipulation.