The Habbo Hotel’s additional cost?

Hi all, I want to ask if the re-enabled of The Habbo Hotel's chat feature will ask users for additional cost?

Hi all, I want to ask if the re-enabled of The Habbo Hotel's chat feature will ask users for additional cost?
Hello Muench Don, Habbo Hotel has not stated anything on charging users additional cost for their chat feature. On a monthly bases the cost is 20-25 of their habbo coins. There are different ways in purchasing these coins. It's $3.00 per SMS. Target and EB games stores have pre paid cards that can be purchased in the value of $10.00 for 50 HC coins, $20.00 for 100 HC coins, and $50.00 for 250 HC coins. Habbo Hotel has announce the removal of Pixels. This will mostly happen June 19,2012. They clam the plan of using the Pixel didn't work out well. They number became too large. A campaign will be handle that will allow users to for the last time be able to buy new items in exchange of the Pixels you have remaining.