Had an error while adding a new device to HP MFP DSS

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I was trying to add an additional device to our HP MFP Digital Sending Software 4 when this message popped up. 

HP MFP Digital Sending Software

Unable to retrieve the necessary data from the mfp


I checked the device I was adding and it was operational.  It was also securely connected to the network. 

So, any advice on what to do next?  I tried adding again but I still got the same error. 

Please help.


Best Answer by Shifflett Laurel
Answered By 0 points N/A #120252

Had an error while adding a new device to HP MFP DSS



Check for the firewall, if desktop firewall installed and active kindly disable it for sometime. check weather TCP/IP is properly configured. and server where DSS (Digital sending software) is running has the .NET Framework version 1.1 or later installed.

Also check if you can connect to EWS of the device by typing device address(IP address of device) in web browser.




Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #197602

Had an error while adding a new device to HP MFP DSS


Hellow MJones78,

You should follow the procedures to overcome the problems.

  • Verify your connection to EWS (Embedded Web Server) by going http://[device address]
  • Use EWS to verify that the device allows DSS to manage it:

On M-Series MFPs:

               a. Settings, Initial Setup, Send Setup, Allows Use of Digital Send Service

                b. Settings, Initial Setup, Send Setup, Allows Transfer to New Digital Send Service

If the setting is off then turn it On.

  • If the Computer/Server where DSS is installed has a desktop firewall installed and enabled the disable it temporarily and try to add the device to DSS again.
  • Switch the device off,then back on.Try to add the device to DSS again when the device is back to a Ready state.

I hope this will be done.


Shifflet Laurel

Answered By 0 points N/A #197605

Had an error while adding a new device to HP MFP DSS


I read your problem, and I think there is a problem with retrieving date from the admin. You must set up an admin password, to do so follow these instructions. Log into MFP’s Embedded Web Server (EWS), and accept the MFP’s certificate. Then, go to the Settings button and click on the General Security button and setup an admin password. Then, activate the Digital Sending Settings, log on to MFP’s Embedded Web Server (EWS), browse the Digital Sending tab, then click E-mail Setup and go down the page. Click apply, then click the Network Folder Setup button, click apply, go to the Browse Fax tab again, and click apply at the end of the page. I hope this solves your problem.

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