Handling Windows Deployment Services Or WDS Unattended Installation
Can anyone please help me with the configuration of Windows Deployment Services Client or WDS unattended installation? Help appreciated.
Can anyone please help me with the configuration of Windows Deployment Services Client or WDS unattended installation? Help appreciated.
Hey there, follow this procedure to associate the unattended client file for the complete architecture or particular pre-staged PC. Assigning the file for a complete architecture will allow you to have distinguished settings for x64 or x86 based clients. A client level assignment will override the architecture sets.
Association of Client unattended file by architecture using Windows
1. Create a file Unattended.xml.(Refer this link)
2. Then, copy the unattended client file to ‘RemoteInstall\WDSClientUnattend’
3. Go to Windows Deployment Services MMC snap-in and right-click on the server containing the image with which you intend to link the unattended file, and then click on ‘Properties’.
4. On the ‘Client’ tab, click on ‘Enable unattended installation’, browse to and select ‘open’ to open the appropriate unattended file
5. Finally, select ‘OK’ and you are done.
Hope it helps!