Asked By
1000 points
Posted on - 06/20/2011
Hi all,
I am posting on this site, my experience using Skype. I have a hard time login to my account in Skype, just from the beginning after loading Skype client software, an error message will appear on screen.
Somewhat very technical issue for me, it's said that some resources cannot be found.
Application Error
Exception EOutOfResources in module Skype.exe at 00133E32;
The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.
I am not a techie person to understand those error messages. What I know is ,whenever there is a problem with my computer, I will just restart it. Most of the time problem will just be solved, but this error just keeps on bothering me specially that I cannot use my Skype services.
Please some solution to what shall I do for me to use my Skype again.
Skype Application Error on logging in
Dear Simonthames,
Recently I’ve gone through your problem and let me inform you that in few months ago, I also have this same problem during logon issue. This may be because of my windows antivirus program. Some antivirus program detects some system or program file as a malware, spyware or as win32 or Trojan virus.
But sometimes they are really not this. So when you are scanning your computer and after deleting process, check out those boxes. If it did not work well or not at all, please download new version of Skype and install it on your computer.
New Skype software has not made me bother with this type of problem.
Hope this also will not bother you.
Thank you.
Skype Application Error on logging in
An error code would pop-up once Skype.exe at 00133E32 which is a known virus, Trojan, spyware and adware are detected a file belongs to the Windows system application you have trusted.
Skype does not require their software to run at start-up because this software is free that allows you to make calls free anywhere.
This software, malware, Trojan and adware camouflage themselves as an executable Skype file (.exe) located in Windows System 32.
An updated antivirus and scanning the whole computer can help you remove this error code. But the best solution to this is to uninstall and re-install the new version of Skype software, that can lessen your headache. Less worry and will not bother you from getting this error all the time.
You can stop this process in your task manager to prevent this from running all the time.
This could slow down your computer performance too because it eats a lot of computer CPU usage.