Asked By
liza mier
0 points
Posted on - 11/03/2011
We are actually using both LCS SP1 and OCS 2007 R2 for our communication environments. But we are having a hard time on using them. First, LCS users can not view who are present in OCS. On the other hand, OCS responds slowly to consider it for chatting. The users can exchange messages to other line but it needs to refresh from time to time. Is there any problem on our setting?
Hardtime using LCS SP1 and OCS 2007 R2
Dear Ms.Liza Mier,
Please make sure you have the following updates in your LCS environment.
Also make sure that you have a valid certificate installed in LCS server. The older LCS deployment typically uses the TCP for client connection.
But OCS server to server communications are only with MTLS (Mutual Transport Layer Security) for which the certificate must be installed to allow the pools to communicate each other.
Hope this will be resolved your problem. If not please feel free to approach.
Thanks & Regards,