There are so many hardwares and softwares released by apple this 2012 aand the upcoming release in other hardware. What common hardware or software do people usually have or plan to have? Just curious about apple gadgets. Trying to have one too. Thanks!
Hardware and Software by apple
Hey Harry Viktor,
As we all know, apple’s iPhone 4s and iPad two is the new glitch, however it’s better to have an iPhone 4s, cause it is handy and has all you new, gives you a fantastic 8 mega camera, A5 chip, video stabilization and lots more, and the white color is classic, an Apple product always boosts up the Class. And technology in your hand,
And if you get one, do not forget to download the free apps (though purchased ones are the best), make sure you download tracker ( tracks your iPhone) so when you lose it, or it gets stolen you can easily track it down. Use VIBER and Skype, while VIBER gives you a fantastic quality of free phone calls and text messages, Skype allows you to Video call. And there are lots of apps for apple that let you do a bunch of things.. Not to forget the Games app.