Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 09/21/2011
I reformatted my HDD from Vista to Windows 7 and only realized that I do not have all the drivers of the devices that I have to install. One of these devices is my writing tablet. I searched the net for possible drivers and have it downloaded. Installation was brisk and appeared to be okay.
However, from time to time I would receive the “hardware error 1024” message. What does this error mean and how can it be fixed? Thank you.
Application Error
Hardware error: 1024.
Please contact your hardware vendor.
Hardware Error 1024 after reformatting HDd
The reason that the error appears is because the new drivers that you get are meant for Windows Vista and not Windows XP or the other older Windows Operating Systems.
So to get that error resolved, try this, it will work for sure but do it carefully as you have to make changes in Windows Registry. Try it at your own risk and just follow the steps that are given here.
1. Start–>Run–>msconfig.
2. Click on “Start up” tab.
3. In the startup processes look for ” dragdiag.exe “. Please see to it, that you find “C:program filesthomson” next to it.
4. Uncheck that option.
5. Click ‘apply’ and ‘ok’
6. Click ‘close’
Restart system.
Answered By
0 points
Hardware Error 1024 after reformatting HDd
May be the issue with your hard disk is there is no capacity to place information on the hard disk. Type the format c: /u <press enter>.
If it is not resolved, maybe the master boot record is corrupted. To resolve this issue, you just type this fdisk /mbr <press enter>
format c: /u <press enter> from the MS-DOS prompt. May be the partitions are corrupted or missing. If it is, just type following command that is fdisk /mbr <press enter>
format c: /u <press enter>from the MS-DOS prompts. If it does not work at all, the Hard disk drive may be corrupted totally. I'd recommend you buy a new one.