Has anybody tried phpbb open source bulletin boards

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

i am using phpbb right now and i am still discovering what are the other features it can do. i want to ask if anyone of you tried using the open source bulletin boards that it generates?

Answered By 5 points N/A #140907

Has anybody tried phpbb open source bulletin boards


Dear user,

PhpBB is a popular open source bulletin board software, it is written in php scripting language. It is too easy to use and maintain. It can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website. It is having lots of features, some of them are given below:

1) It contains hundreds of style and image packages to customize your bulletin board.

2) It offers multiple attachments per post.

3) It's latest version is widely available on all over the internet but it’s always good to download.

4) It provides ’subsilver blue’ style and if you want to change it to any other style which can be more suitable to your website then it is possible to do.

5) It contains plugins and several notification options like e-mail, ATOM feeds, jabber instant messaging.

Hope this will help you.

Thank you.

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