I own an Evo D500 (Hp Compaq.)Â a few days back it experienced some shock after dropping from a short table. It has since not been able to switch on but beeps twice when you try to switch it on. I am worried that I may lose all my data when the worst comes to worst. Is there a way I can rescue both the computer and the information in the hard disk.
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Have I lost all my data
hello stella,
There is a possibility that when your computer fell down, one of the two things might have happened. Since your computer beeps twice, that may be an indicator for low on board battery, this may be due to the fact that when your computer fell down it (battery) got displaced, hence its hard for the system to recover the data and time. So check on your battery first. OR check whether your hard disk
 got damaged or not. And if it did, follow a few steps below. Demagnetize your hands and open the case of your computer. Disconnect both the power cable(thinner) and the IDE cable (wider). – Plug the faulty hard drive into a working computer after changing the jumpers such that the hard drive will be a secondary hard drive. start the computer and a new hard drive will be shown, then copy the data to any storage device.