Have problem setting up WPF test

 I am trying to set up the WPF manages test, and I have downloaded the following file: RadControlsForWpfSetup_2011_3_1222.exe.  I am having the same set up problem as this line
 I have tried the following to fix the issue:
 1) I have restarted my device and make an effort to set up again.
 2) I check the specialist index in the "temp" directory, shift this index to a different place, and make an effort to set up as an administrator (My computer is running in Ms Windows 7)
 3) I disabled my anti-virus system temporarily and make an effort to set up the test.
 4) Rebooted again, I instantly disabled anti-virus and tried again.
 5) Finally I decided the debug choice on the mistake screen and released VS2010. Connected is the mistake from Visible Facilities.
 I also have .NET 4 setup on this device as well as the Telerik Silverlight manages, so I do not think the specifications are the problem. Do you have any extra thoughts I could make an effort to set up the test software? It will be much appreciated if you can kindly help me out.

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