Having A Schematron Validation In BPEL, In Oracle Using Custom XPath

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

How can I use Schematron validation in Oracle BPEL?

Answered By 20 points N/A #319275

Having A Schematron Validation In BPEL, In Oracle Using Custom XPath


To achieve Schematron validation in BPEL, we need to use a custom XPath function.
The function in BPEL will revoke a java class to give validation output. The custom file will look like this-

Get schematronXpath.jar from the internet. Run JDeveloper and in tools select preferences – > SOA. Add the downloaded file in it and restart JDeveloper. After restarting it can be seen the custom path file is available under the functions menu. The validate function will accept its source and also the XML file to which the corresponding Schematron needs to be validated.

Now copy the jar file to SOA suite extension libraries. Now, the SOA is assigned to BPEL. You can verify by having a test.

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