Having Graphics in MS WORD

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I am having trouble with my document right now, my instructor wants to have a document that have graphics in it, is that even possible?

Please if you know how to do it, teach me cause I really do not know how to do graphics in word.

Thank You.

Best Answer by Tanok Bloran
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 80 points N/A #102496

Having Graphics in MS WORD


To create graphs on Microsoft Word:

  1. Open the MS Word
  2. Go to Insert menu
  3. Click on the Create New tab
  4. Choose Microsoft Graph Chart (it is located on the Object type box)
  5. Click on OK
  6. Now, click on any cell where you would like to remove the sample data for you to be able to type in your own data

If you already have the chart made and would like to have it change, you may do so:

  1. Go the Chart menu
  2. Click on Chart Type
  3. Choose the chart type you want either on the Standard Types or Custom Types tab

For additional steps on how to present charts using Microsoft Word, just go to https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Present-data-in-a-chart-58516b99-55fc-4f45-ac81-cc6868a18a8a?CorrelationId=02540ce9-a262-495e-8e33-9b27b2d7cb2a&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US&ocmsassetID=HA010099739

Answered By 10 points N/A #102497

Having Graphics in MS WORD


Insert a graphic into a Word document

  1. Go to Insert menu on top, Click to Picture and then click From File.
  2. Browse your graphic file which you want to insert into word.
  3. Click the file, and then click Insert. It will be inserted where your cursor is blinking.

Insert clip art

  1. Go to Insert menu on top, click to Picture and then click Clip Art.
  2. In the Clip Art task pane, type the search item name which you want to insert (like, "cats" dog or any other clip art) in the Search for field.
Answered By 20 points N/A #102498

Having Graphics in MS WORD


Is this right? Guys thanks a lot for this help. Now I could work on my documents and I have the idea how to insert graphics such as pictures and cliparts… Thank you Tanok and Melon. Have a great day!

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