Help about deer icon for desktop please?

Hi everybody, I need to manage my desktop ; is it a good idea to do it via deer icon for desktop ;
Please help .
Thank you

Hi everybody, I need to manage my desktop ; is it a good idea to do it via deer icon for desktop ;
Please help .
Thank you
Dear Friend!
If you are planning to manage your desktop then first of all you take a major step which is desktop cleanup wizard. In this way, all the unused items will become separated and desktop will get decorated.
According to your thinking, deer icon is not a good idea to manage desktop. I think that you may use flowers icons to decorate and manage your desktop which will make beauty for desktop.
Respected Annaatutor,
First of all I want to tell you that there are four different things to manage desktop in a better way.
1.      Screen Resolution
2.      Color Combinations
3.      Wallpapers
4.      Icons
Now coming to your question. If you want to change your desktop wallpaper then your choice is better. Means you can use Deer wallpaper to your desktop. It’s a best choice.
If you want to change icon of some sort of software short cut, that you have placed on your desktop. Then you can also do that, but remember that if your software is related to some animals then your choice of changing the icon to deer is good. But if software working is different than related to animals then it's not a good choice to use a deer icon.