Good day everyone, can anybody help me to interpret the results after the HD tune of my HDD.
I am not an IT Professional so I do not know the results.
Reallocated Sector Count
Reallocated Event Count
Current Pending Sector
There was a message prompted in my screen that my HDD has a problem, and it needs to be backed up immediately so I tried to test it.
Does it mean I have to replace my HDD with a new one or just reformat it first for the meantime?
Help About HD Tune Results
Hello Leopold.
Every hard drive has a "pool" of spare sectors. These spare sectors are used by the hard drive to replace sectors that have become bad for some reason. Replacing a bad sector with a spare sector is called "sector reallocation" or "sector remap". "Reallocated Sector Count" represents the amount of reallocated sectors. The raw value represents the count of the bad sectors that have already been found and remapped. The more sectors reallocated, the worse the condition of the hard drive. The warning means that your hard drive has already used up its pool of spare sectors. If more bad sectors develop, your hard drive won't be able to remap those bad sectors. As you probably know, data written on a bad sector is as good as lost.
The only solution is to replace the hard drive. Neither formatting nor zero fill can fix your hard drive because both operations rely on the spare sectors to "fix" any bad sectors that it finds. Besides, the fact that your drive has already used up the spare sectors means there is something seriously wrong with it.