Help about thesis proposal is needed?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi everybody,
Is there any presentation to replace thesis proposal ppt please .

Thank you

Best Answer by Taatai Chan
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #136925

Help about thesis proposal is needed?



PowerPoint is a very powerful tool for making presentations. It is certainly the best for this type of area because you can do a lot of things like using graphs and a lot more. But if you will not use it, there are lots of alternatives. One way is to use flash. It is used for animation. It is certainly better than PowerPoint presentation but it takes a lot of effort. But if I were you, I prefer to stick to the easiest way where I can handle well.

Answered By -10 points N/A #136926

Help about thesis proposal is needed?



There are four best alternative solutions for Microsoft PowerPoint those I know are:

1.       Prezi (

2.       Brainshark (

3.       Slide Rocket (

4.       Google Docs

If you are not interested to use PowerPoint (even PowerPoint is best & easy solution to create presentation slides), then you can use anyone of above.

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