Help Adobe InDesign File format error

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi experts,

I am using Mac Operating System and have installed Adobe InDesign but an error occurred trying to open a file “Cannot open the file”. How can I fix this error message? I need your cooperation to fix this problem so give me some suitable tips. Thanks for your cooperation.


Cannot open the file

“Monitoren_Content_week21_2009.indd”. Adobe InDesign may not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file format may be missing, or the file may be open in another application. 

Answered By 590495 points N/A #185140

Help Adobe InDesign File format error


If the problem is with the file format, I’m not sure if that’s the problem here because you are trying to open an INDD file, Monitoren_Content_week21_2009.indd, which is very much supported. Adobe InDesign supports the following file formats:

  • * indd – InDesign Document, supported in all versions
  • * indl – InDesign Library, supported in all versions
  • * indt – InDesign Template, supported in all versions
  • * pmd – Adobe PageMaker, versions 6.0 to 7.0 are supported
  • * xqx – QuarkXPress Passport, version 4.1.x is supported
  • * xqx – QuarkXPress, versions 3.3 to 4.1.x are supported

I also don’t think the problem is with a missing plug-in since the file format is supported by default. If you are opening the file on a local area network or your computer is connected to a local area network, check if other users on the network are also using the file.

If you’re the only one using the file, check if you have other running applications where the file is loaded. Close other running applications and leave Adobe InDesign running. Try opening the file this time and see if it works. If it doesn’t work, restart your computer. Don’t run other applications. Launch Adobe InDesign then open the file. If the problem continues, try installing the latest patch.

Head down to Adobe InDesign for Macintosh, look for your version, and download the update.

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