Hi, I'm trying to customize a commercial slideshow in a specific website that will promote a show. I am using JQuery rotate plug-in and CSS3. Can someone please help me with input the codes of css3 commercial slide show? Thanks.
Help in Css3 commercial slideshow for TV
On the link below you have a very good tutorial how to create a slideshows using jQuery and CSS3 rotations. There is html code how will teach you where and how to insert jQuery and CSS into html. It’s very simple, in html in body section you will define your slides as Li elements according slideshow and slideShow Container div. Then you will see how to input your jQuery scripts. Also there is code for CSS and jQuery. I hope this tutorial will help you. Here is a link you should look at: https://tutorialzine.com/2010/11/rotating-slideshow-jquery-css3
Williamson Mellisa