Help determining our LDAP connection string

Please help us in determining our LDAP connection string.
We would like to test an active directory membership provider.
We know our domain, and we are on a corporate network.

Please help us in determining our LDAP connection string.
We would like to test an active directory membership provider.
We know our domain, and we are on a corporate network.
Try these available solutions that you can use:
1. Use tool from Softerra to get the User DN from the currently-logged in user:
2. You can also type dsquery /? in a command prompt.
For example: dsquery user -name Ja*
It gets the connection strings for all users with names starting in Ja*.
3. Ran the following VBScript on the Server.
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
WScript.Echo "User name: " & objSysInfo.UserName
Then copy all of the DCs displayed in the dialog box and use it as your LDAP connection string following LDAP://
I hope this can help.
There are few ways you can find the solution form internet. I searched for its solution on internet. I got two good answers from this research. Start with the simple one is just use a tool to find out the DN from the currently-logged in user.
You can download it from this link:
The connection string is almost similar to normal URL. But it will start with LDAP:// then suppose the domain is “” than your URL will be LDAP:// Now suppose you are the administrator and container name is “new” so the CN will be new. Than DN of the “new” container would be like this: DC=”ABC”, DC=”domain”, DC=”com”. The OU name will be “service account”, and then the OU will be “ABC object”, DC=”ABC”, DC=”domain”, DC=”com”. Now the total URL will be LDAP:// account,OU=ABC object,DC=ABC,DC=domain,DC=com.
So this is the final URL for your LDAP connection string.
Thank you,
Riley weaver