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Posted on - 02/27/2012
Hey there,
I received a couple of strange errors while I was trying to load iTunes. The first message told me to register vbscript. So in trying to fix this issue, I entered the command "regsvr32 vbscript.dll" in the command prompt.
After entering the command, I got this weird error message: "vbscript.dll was loaded but the call to DIIRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80004005”.
I simply do not understand what this error mean and how it can be removed. If anybody can help me with this, or at least explain the situation to me, I will be grateful. Thanks in advance!
Help! DLL errors when loading iTunes!
Try to solve this problem by turning off or disabling User Account Control in. If your using windows 7:
Click Start and then open Control Panel. Click User Accounts and Family Safety.
Click User Accounts option and then Click User Account control settings, then slide the slider to never notify me. Click OK . Restart computer to turn off the UAC.
And then proceed with procedure:
Clicking start, all programs, accessories, right click on command prompt and then select “Run as administrator”. This will prompt you to C:WindowsSystem32 directory. Type the following command:
This will allow iTunes to reinstall.
Help! DLL errors when loading iTunes!
Sometimes, your antivirus software may block the scripts. Otherwise, if you want to install iTune follow below instructions.
1. You have to run the exe file by giving administrator privilege.
2. After that, open the cmd.exe as administrator
3. Type the following script “Wscript.Echo "WSH version: " & Wscript.Version : Wscript.Echo "VBScript major version: " & ScriptEngineMajorVersion : Wscript.Echo "VBScript minor version: " & ScriptEngineMinorVersion’ .