I have been trying to enable directory synchronization, but I encountered an error in the Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization Configuration Wizard.
The error says: "An error occurred. Error Code: 15. Error Description: Directory synchronization is not activated for this company.
How do I fix this one?
An error occurred. Error Code: 15. Error Description: Directory synchronization is not activated for this company.You can activate directory synchronization on the Microsoft online Services Admin Overview page. Tracking ID:
a8dc3520.31ea.4ff3.aa17.b7f76f95cf68 Server Name:
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Help in how to fix error code: 15
This type of error commonly occur when you are using yahoo mail. first you need to check if your computer is well connected to the internet, then the other thing is to check if you have typed in the correct email address as some of the errors are due to the user. Also instant messengers do work in realtime so there is need to make sure that the time and date are set correctly by using the date and time setting dialog box. The last step in fixing this error is to contact your ISP if you need SMTP authentication or you can also make sure that you can be connected to the ISP POP3 mail server, with this done you can send your emails without worring about getting error code 15 message.