Help me to select correct Domain Name for my website
Hello friends ,
I have developed a website to purchase books online like “”
Can someone suggest me SEO effective domain name for my website?
Thank you
Hello friends ,
I have developed a website to purchase books online like “”
Can someone suggest me SEO effective domain name for my website?
Thank you
A domain name is a representative of the product or services you are selling. Therefore when choosing the domain name for your site, you should consider the following.
SEO effective domain name is they way to success in business. And you are looking for good and effective domain name. It is really true that you should select a domain name that will reflect your keyword and the content of your website. Okay you have told your site is for bookstore. But there are many types of book like novel,ghost,story and so on.
If you want to specify a type then select terms related to your content. And .com will better for you.
Please choose a nice name that will create a thinking on visitors mind and it should be short,easy. The name should be remember able and easy to spell as well as impressive to human mind.You can also search for book on search engines and compare the name you visited.