Compatibility Error on Win 7 and VB 6.0

Asked By 210 points N/A Posted on -

Guyz , please help me using Visual Basic 6.0 in my OS Windows 7. I think my OS has a compatibility problem.  For example when i drag buttons to the work space, it acts in slow motion.

Can anyone with a similar problem help me ? 

Best Answer by iman_st
Answered By 0 points N/A #87838

Compatibility Error on Win 7 and VB 6.0


Good Day to you,

I heard this kind of problem, I'm not sure if I heard it last year. But don't worry, like you said, your VB 6.0 is not compatible with Windows 7. Try VB Express 2010, I think that one can do a smooth job with your OS.

Answered By 0 points N/A #87840

Compatibility Error on Win 7 and VB 6.0


Yeah right! The Windows 7 is not yet compatible in running VB 6.0. Today VB 6.0 is not very useful, I tried to use VB. net.

Answered By 0 points N/A #87842

Compatibility Error on Win 7 and VB 6.0


Yes.  But I think those applications did not match or I mean are not compatible with Windows 7. Even 64 bit, I think because those applications are not updated when compared to Windows 7.

Answered By 210 points N/A #87844

Compatibility Error on Win 7 and VB 6.0


Thank you experts! for those ideas that you gave! And beside slow motion acts in my VB 6.0, the other program has made a bug.

I'm sorry, I am just starting to learn such kind of applications.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #87845

Compatibility Error on Win 7 and VB 6.0


John if you really want to use VB 6.0 you just advisable to use Windows XP OS, I am pretty sure that it would be compatible with your VB 6.0.

Answered By 210 points N/A #87846

Compatibility Error on Win 7 and VB 6.0


Thanks, thanks a lot. Now I know that my VB 6.0 are not compatible with my Windows 7. Thank you very much. i would be help me a lot. someday I make my OS double with XP and 7 hehe. Those of your idea's are very smart. God Bless all to you.

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