Help! WinXP Blue screen of Death

Every time I play games in my desktop computer, the screen turns blue after maybe 10 minutes of playing. It happened several times already. Â Please help.

Every time I play games in my desktop computer, the screen turns blue after maybe 10 minutes of playing. It happened several times already. Â Please help.
BSOD or the blue screen of death happens when there is a problem with the hardware, specially with the RAM, based on the experience I had.
You are having problems with your hardware, make sure your wires are connected and make sure your board is not dirty.
Try to clean the "teeth" of the RAM, and make sure they are connected well.
Yup, Dello is right. Try to clean your RAM (teeth) with a dry cloth or something. Trust me, it is effective. Hopefully this would solve your problem with BSOD.
OK I'll try that idea you gave me.  I'll  just reply to this post if it is effective. Thanks for the information bro. Keep it up.
Hopefully those ideas would help you with your problem regarding BSOD.