Helpful Feedbacks about FREESCO Router

Anyone here who use a FREESCO router? I just wanted to know if its easy to use and in terms of efficiency, how can you rate it?

Anyone here who use a FREESCO router? I just wanted to know if its easy to use and in terms of efficiency, how can you rate it?
FREESCO is a small (single floppy) distribution of Linux intended to be a replacement for minor models of Cisco routers.
The main advantage of FREESCO is its price.
A Freesco router may be a good solution for organizations in this situation. The small hardware requirements, low cost, and minimal administrative overhead (since it is based on the very stable Linux operating system) associated with Freesco make it a good choice for small networks in need of a router/firewall.
The Freesco router distribution is also a perfect solution for an IT shop that needs a stable router solution but not an entire turnkey package (such as a Cisco router). By opting to go with Freesco for such needs, you can salvage a portion of your IT budget by using old hardware and by using an open-source solution.
FREESCO has the easiest setup you've ever dreamt of. Just wipe out a dust from your 386 PC, connect it to network and after 10 minutes of setting up (of course including a break for a cup of coffee) your router will be ready.