Hey, Is There A Way To Solve This 3ds Error Code 0032103?

Hi, I was facing this 3ds error code 0032103 problems on my PC. Could you please help me correct this issue?

Hi, I was facing this 3ds error code 0032103 problems on my PC. Could you please help me correct this issue?
A) 3ds error code 0032103 means that it could not connect to the access point. To fix 3ds error code 0032103, you will need to follow these steps:-
1. Check your router’s MAC filtering settings, and make sure that it is not enabled. So, go to your router’s MAC filtering settings and disable this option.
2. Now, if this option is enabled, locate your Nintendo 3DS family system’s MAC address and enter it into the list of allowed devices.
B) To fix the 3ds error code 0032103, you will need to set up a new connection file by making sure the Nintendo 3DS family system is trying to connect to the your wireless network. And also make sure that it is receiving a very strong signal.