Highlight on duplicate phrase/phrases on Viper Anti Plagiarism Scanner do not appear

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -



I have been using Viper Anti Plagiarism scanner for quite some time. When I installed it to my new laptop  its no longer working properly. Duplicate word or phrases are supposed to be highlighted but I could not find any highlighted words or phrase. Other than that, everything is ok. My OS by the way is Windows 7 and my laptop model is an ASUS- K43U series. I really need your assistance very badly since I need it for my Thesis writing.

Thank you in Advance!!!


Best Answer by Cumba Som
Answered By 0 points N/A #126470

Highlight on duplicate phrase/phrases on Viper Anti Plagiarism Scanner do not appear



Hello again,

I tried opening the link you gave me, however I did not find the answer there. Instead I got a prompt from viper when I tried to make another scan that I my system needs Netframe.

I really don't know how to find it or install it since I'm not really a computer geek. I am using my laptop just for data processing. Anyway thank you for the reply. Meantime I am using plagiarism an anti plagiarism scanner.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 15 points N/A #126468

Highlight on duplicate phrase/phrases on Viper Anti Plagiarism Scanner do not appear


Dear Pearlzz,

First of all I am telling you that this software basically works for checking the plagiarisms in the data. Then why are you facing problem in order to check the data. I have a solution for your problem. I have given a link which will surely help to you to solve your problem.

On this page all the steps of using the software are given. Please sort it out with your procedure of using. I am sure it will lead you towards the key points which you are missing while using the software.

Hope so you got the answer.


Answered By 0 points N/A #126472

Highlight on duplicate phrase/phrases on Viper Anti Plagiarism Scanner do not appear


Plagiarism is just like stealing, because anyone who copies any write-up written by someone else is actually killing his efforts of doing a laborious task of doing a proper research before writing something meaningful. If you are concerned about stopping such practices, you can use plagiarism check tool for detecting the copied part of any write-up.

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