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Posted on - 08/19/2011
After doing lots of surfing/browsing on the internet I just clicked the History button in the Internet Explorer toolbar to check my details for its removing but unfortunately the pane is blank as mentioned in Figure-01, Additionally, the View and Search buttons in the History band are also missing. Please resolve my issue.

History in Internet Explorer is blank,View and Search buttons are missing
What operating system are you using?
Try to click Start -> Run the type REGSVR32 /IÂ SHDOCVW.DLL
Have you tried using IE with no add-ons?
Start -> (All) Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Internet Explorer (No add-ons).
If your browser is properly working in Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode, continue with these steps to help you identify which particular add-on is causing this.
To find out which particular add-on is causing the issue, you should use IE’s Manage Add-ons feature and then pick the specific add-ons you want to disable:
I. Just click Tools -> Internet Options.
II. Programs tab, then click Manage add-ons.
Note: You must manually enable/disable add-ons because the Manage Add-on option is disabled in No Add-on model.
Now click OK -> OK -> OK -> Restart IE and see if the problem is resolved.