When I try to run Hotspot Shield, an error is encountered. This error message is continued to appear which is very annoying.
This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel.
The machine is restarted several times but the error message keeps popping up. Hotspot Shield is also reinstalled and the error is still unsolved.
Any one could help me to solve this? Thanks a lot in advance.
Answered By
40 points
Hotstop shield cannot run in Windows
Dear Penelope,
Hotspot Shield is a software which enables its users to protect themselves from online identity theft, hiding the IP address, enables access to all content without censorship and protects the users from snoopers across the streets, hotels, shopping malls etc. It helps to be secure online while shopping, sharing personal information online, web session and in many more situations like this.
It works on both Windows OS and Mac OS, supports all the latest updates and version of these operating systems. Hotspot blocks the unwanted spams and adds regarding porn sites and many more malware websites.
To solve the problem that you are having with this software, first try to reinstall the program. If it does not work either, try to download the latest version available on the internet. Here are some links from where you can download Hotstop:
If you still have problems, try these steps from following videos on how to resolve the problem:
Hope you will be able to find a solution.
Hotstop shield cannot run in Windows
1. First of all click on start menu.
2. Then click on run.
3. Then type regedit and click ok.
4. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<exefile<shell<open<command.
5. Double click Default and change the value to "%1" %* (including everything).
6. Go to.
7. Now double click the Default and change the value to exe file.
8. Exit Registry editor.
It will work if it doesn't work then post the error message you are receiving again.