The Hourly Rate For Computer Repair: Pros And Cons.

Now everybody plans on prices techniques as it has its advantage and disadvantages. How does hourly rate for computer repair help us? Which is the better option and why?

Now everybody plans on prices techniques as it has its advantage and disadvantages. How does hourly rate for computer repair help us? Which is the better option and why?
Prices techniques are important for the business. If rates are too low, then it will leave you with unpaid bills and reflect your poor services. Rates are when too high then people don't like to avail your service. That is why flat rate pricing is a better option.
1. Potential for higher income: There will be no risk of spending more time working.
2. Personal incentive: It makes you work faster and better and also in finding utilities and tools that support you.
It takes less time as the customer doesn't want us to work more. If we work more than they need to pay high to us.