How to access movies from itune

Explain whether movies can be put on iTunes on a disc, in order to watch them on computer later which would not take up space on the computer and, not necessarily a DVD to play them?

Explain whether movies can be put on iTunes on a disc, in order to watch them on computer later which would not take up space on the computer and, not necessarily a DVD to play them?
ITUNES is an application used by an iPOD, iPHONE or any Macintosh related software to manage its songs, movies and other application.
It uses quick time player as its default media player to play videos and movies. You can definitely saved a movie on a disk and play it later using quick player by iTunes. You just need to import the file first to iTunes before you can play it there.
To import, click on File > Add a file or folder to library > then choose your CD rom and import the file. Another option to play the file in quick player of iTunes is by right clicking the movie then open with Quick player.