I have a wordpress site. I want to add a 3d banner slider as a main header of my site. I do not know the procedure of adding 3d banner. Any kind of tips would be highly appreciated.
How to add a 3d banner slider to my site
There are number of extension available for WordPress. You may require to select one of the suitable extension from different WordPress extension list. You can search with 3D slider or 3D banner in wordpress.org. One of the cool slide plugin is “3D Banner Rotator”.
How to add a 3d banner slider to my site
You can create and add the banner in your Word press site, a page on your website anytime. To achieve this, please follow my simple procedure to get started.
1. Go to structure (block) and click on the add banner link
2. Title the banner you wish to add for identification seek
3. Click to create and expand the Banner images drop-down section
4. Click the new slide in the banner link to design your own image in the banner
5. The next step is for to add as many banners as you wish and configure them appropriately.
6. Click on the banner image link select . In this step, please note that you can choose images from your site's Media library, upload a new image. The image you choose is displayed in the previous field for you.
Note: Please make sure you customize your banner setting which include
1. The position of the text on your image: and you can do this at Top left; Bottom left, Top right, Bottom right by displaying the banner headline and text in the selected position.
2. Customize your banner by Adding more controls and options, which allows you to add as many headings and text as you need and place them anywhere in the banner image.
3. The next setting is to edit and customize banner headings and text areas by clicking on the banner images.
4. Click saves to save the banner setting.