I am a great fan of cricket and I want to get updated every now and then.That is why, I want to install the cricinfo widget to myÂ
chrome browser but I don't know the process. I would like to ask for help from you guys.
How to add cricinfo widget in google chrome?
Hey Roger Martin!
Not only you but most of the people are cricket lovers. Everyone wants to get update with cricket news. Cricinfo is no doubt, a very updated website that gives commentary on each and every ball. You can view full scorecard. You can check all previous matches and all upcoming matches summary. The best part of this website is that, it has created widgets for all abrowsers. As you mentioned above you are using Google Chrome. So, here is a link for you to download cricinfo widget:
Just go to the website and install the widget.
How to add cricinfo widget in google chrome?
I am a great fan of cricket too! And this cricinfo widget will be very helpful to me for keeping up with the latest cricket new. Thank you so much for helping me acquire the widget, and it is cool!