Asked By
Ava White
10 points
Posted on - 04/05/2012
How can I add data report in visual basic 6.0 and how can I make the data in my database appear in the data report by clicking a command button ? Can you give me simplest procedure on how to do this and what will be the codes that I am going to use? I'll be using it in my thesis project, Please help me have an idea on how to do this.
Answered By
0 points
How to add report in visual basic 6.0?
From the Project menu in the VBE, select Add Data Report in the dropdown menu. Now, you will be presented with the data report environment. The data report environment contains 6 controls, they are RptTextBox, RptLine, RptFunction, RptLabel, RptImage and RptShape.
How to add report in visual basic 6.0?
Hi Ava,
You can add data report by following the below steps.
Please start a new VB Standard Exe project. Then on Project menu, select Add Data Environment
Select Properties after right clicking Connection1 tab. Select Microsoft Jet 3.51 OLE DB Provider in DataLink Properties box.
In the Connection tab and click the ellipsis button and point your mdb database.
The title to the page header can be added to customize the report.