How to add RSS feed in Samsung S2

Hi Experts,
I have recently bought Samsung Galaxy S2. I am trying to add RSS feeds by pressing the button but it doesn’t start. Can you tell me how to add RSS feeds in galaxy s2?

Hi Experts,
I have recently bought Samsung Galaxy S2. I am trying to add RSS feeds by pressing the button but it doesn’t start. Can you tell me how to add RSS feeds in galaxy s2?
If you are unable to add RSS feed by pressing button then it’s a problem related to software on your phone.
Just try updating your mobile device and then restart it.
Now check to add an RSS feed.
If you still face the same problem then you must contact Samsung service center.
They will resolve your issue.
Does your phone have the latest software update? If your answer is a NO, then try to download the latest software update to fix it. You can also get help from a Samsung product expert by clicking this hyperlink:Â Samsung Support
You can also find useful tips by clicking this hyperlink:Â Galaxy Manual
Hope it helps.