How to adjust export expiration date domain ?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

I am having windows vista on my desktop. I want to adjust export expiration date domain. I tried on control panel date and time tab but I could not find the actual setting. Can anyone guide me on this. Send em the step by step procedure. Thanks.



Answered By 0 points N/A #159265

How to adjust export expiration date domain ?



To adjust the expiration date of the Windows vista , follow these simple steps.
1. Click Start , then type regedit into the Search box and press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
2. Explore to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion SL
3. Now, right click on the key named SkipRearm and click Edit. Change the value to 00000001, save and close the registry editor.
4. Click Start and enter cmd in the search box, then Ctrl+Shift+Enter, then provide username and password for the one used for domain to access for User Account Control and to provide an administrator password.
5. Type either slmgr-rearm or rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows command and press enter. The parameter -rearm changes the activation deadline to 30 days with immediate effect. Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite number of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back to 0.+
6. Reboot the PC and run the command slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time.
Hope this information helps you better.

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