How am I learn visual c?

I didn't know c and c language?
Visual basic also i don't know?
How am i study/learn Visual C in easy?

I didn't know c and c language?
Visual basic also i don't know?
How am i study/learn Visual C in easy?
Hope I can help you
Before you begin to learn the different language in programming, you must understand first how to design the flow chart. It is the easy way to start up the language.
Here are some codes and definition of the C language..
main() – main module of the program
printf – use to display data
%d – numeric display in decimal
n – move to a new line
; – statements terminator
/* */ – comments
#include – tells the C compiler to use the standard input/output functions defined in the file (stdio.h)
scanf – uses to assign values.
I will give you different codes for C
example 1
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf (*welcome to Cn*);
return 0;
OUTPUT:Â welcome to C
example 2
int main()
printf ("The answer is: ");
printf ("%dn", 5+7);
OUTPUT: The answer is : 12
Since you want to learn the C language as well as Visual C++, I’ll list below some of the websites that offer tutorial on C language: