How And What Causes PC To Freeze And Shut Down Automatically?

Sometimes my PC behaves unresponsively, and I have to shut it down to get rid of this problem. What causes PC to freeze and what to do for avoiding this?

Sometimes my PC behaves unresponsively, and I have to shut it down to get rid of this problem. What causes PC to freeze and what to do for avoiding this?
Too much pressure on the PC leads to the freezing. If your computer is slow and you work on it with speed with which it cannot cooperate, your PC may get stuck and become unresponsive. Sometimes opening too many programs at a time leads to the freezing situation as computer can’t cope up with the extra pressure given by the user. If a computer has a virus, malware, etc. it makes the computer to process slowly.
Therefore it is important to follow the required tips to avoid this problem. Cleaning the malware and viruses on the PCs, working on single windows at a time, updating computer with latest features might ignore the problem of freezing to some extent. Pressurising the PC must be neglecting, new PCs and laptops must replace the old ones.