How to assemble connectors using rj45 and coaxial cable

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,
Please help me how to install rj45 in my coaxial cable so that i would not buy a connector. Thanks.

Best Answer by lee hung
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Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #115139

How to assemble connectors using rj45 and coaxial cable



First step is to prepare the tools:
Coaxial Cable
Crimping Tools
Position the Coaxial cable, cut the end of the wire using crimping tools, select your type of connection if it's straight through, crossover connection. That would be depending on you if follow standards. The important thing here is to connect end to end of each wire in order this to function correctly. Once done you can start crimp and do testing is either on the computer directly or through the tester. If you are a first timer, it is good that you have ask assistance on an expert on this   
because if you crimp the RJ45 wrongly, then you have to restart again because the RJ45 once used it cannot be used again, so be cautious on your crimping, make sure your wire end to end are in the same color, always double check every time you crimp. Lastly, make sure your wire doesn't have a cut because this may cause a loses on your connection it will causes a trouble in future. I always use branded coaxial cable so that it will guaranteed to last especially on internet cafe and big offices.
Tony Stevenson
Answered By 10 points N/A #115140

How to assemble connectors using rj45 and coaxial cable


RJ45 is another type of wiring schematic while RJ45 is another type of wiring you can choose one as your requirements. If you want to merge two networks then you must need to use one proper way to assemble your network. If you are using one computer with coaxial cable and the other one with RJ45 then you can use RJ45 on the both computer. If you are taking connection form a coaxial cable and want to use it as a RJ45 then you can either replace your LAN card or you can buy the equipment of your RJ45 connector. In both cases you need to choose yourself as your choose. You can either use RJ45 or you can use coaxial cable. You cannot merge a coaxial cable with a RJ45 cable without a proper installation. I hope this will help you to make your mind.

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