How to assign disc quota for users?

I have one samba server where I need some restriction regarding disc space for individuals?
I don’t want give them more then 1GB of space each person, so what will be solution?
Can you help me out?

I have one samba server where I need some restriction regarding disc space for individuals?
I don’t want give them more then 1GB of space each person, so what will be solution?
Can you help me out?
Hi Dunley ,
You don’t need to worry about that. You can do your job easily using Red Hat Linux quota package.
Just type the following commands belowÂ
# mount -o remount,usrquota /homeÂ
# quotacheck -cM /home
# setquota -u Eric 0  0  972800  1024000   /home
Here Eric is a user, we are assign quota for him.
Here you have soft limit 950MB and hard limit is 1GB
# vi /etc/fstab  [edit the fstab for permanent ]
/home /home ext3  defaults,usrquota  0  0
Check the quota for user –
# dd if=/dev/zero of=newfile bs=1000M count=1 (you can check quota for user with this command)
Britnu Salu