Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 09/19/2011
I have been working with Adobe Photoshop CS4 so I would like to make a 3D object and then want to fix it as poster with other shape like cylinder, cone, cube or hat and then print it out, is it possible?
I expect to get suggestion
Answered By
0 points
How to attach Shape and 3D object
Hey Embad, Making 3D objects with Adobe CS4 is really very easy now and its a pretty cool feature as well. I'll tell you some simple steps that'll do it. Ok open your adobe CS4 and start New document it does'nt matter what size, and select transparent as Background Contents. Now from your tools select Pen to make a quick shape. Right click and select Fill path, now choose your desire color and click ok. This will fill up your object with some color. Right click on the object and make selection,copy the layer. Uncheck layer one and use layer 1 copy. Now click on the "3D" button at the top menu of your Adobe CS4, go to new shape and that will give you options of different shapes. You can select your required shape like you mentioned cone or cylinder etc. That will add the 3D object to your selected shape.
I hope that'll help!:-)