How to be notified when Samsung apps gone free

I've been a loyal Samsung phone customer for years. I haven't experienced the time that Samsung apps gone free. When does Samsung usually offer this? How could I be notified about it?

I've been a loyal Samsung phone customer for years. I haven't experienced the time that Samsung apps gone free. When does Samsung usually offer this? How could I be notified about it?
Unfortunately, Samsung does not give you any notification on what Samsung apps go for free.
Samsung does not create applications on their own and are purchased through third party manufacturer. So it entirely depends on the agreement made between Samsung and Third party manufacturer.
You’ll have to keep looking for free apps in Samsung Apps program and trust me I am also a Samsung loyal customer and have been using their products for many years.
You can go to their website and you can see their list of applications which are available for free OR the same can be seen through your Samsung Smartphone.
On your mobile phone when you check your Samsung application then you can go to settings and you can save your preference to get notified if there is any new update available for the application installed in your phone.
Mostly, none of the manufacturer would notify you for the apps which are available for free, but if they do then it would a great step!
Keaton Christopher