How to burn game to run from disc

Hi, if i download a game from the internet and would like to burn it to a disc so that i can play it from the disc instead of installing it to the pc…how do i do this? or is there a way to do this?

Hi, if i download a game from the internet and would like to burn it to a disc so that i can play it from the disc instead of installing it to the pc…how do i do this? or is there a way to do this?
Burning PC games into CD is just the same as burning an mp3 disc. All you need is a PC game disc . Just simply put your game disc in your cd rom and open your burner program and select copy entire disc. This might take 30 minutes to 1 hour to download. Good Luck hope this helps you.
Install the game first and then search for the installation folder on programs files and this is the one you will need to download example is D:Program Files2K Sports the 2ksports folder is the folder you will need to burn. You need to burn this one as a Data disc.
NOTE: not all games can be played on burning because sometimes there are files that are needed to run the game that is installed on your computer and not on other computers. There are downloadable games that are ready for direct play you just need to burn this one and please you must also know where is the application for running of the game is located.